A fantasy can be said to be an imagined thought which can simply be anything. Someone who fantasizes frequently, is not too worried about the reality. Taking a look at the football fantasy league, you would have the full opportunity of creating your own team according to your preferred specifications. You are more or less like the God of the league who set things in place according to his own desire.

Fantasies are futuristic related, they involve our projected goals and dreams. They could be physical in some cases, romantic or professional. You could see yourself changing a physical appearance or getting married in the most glamorous style. The concept of fantasy is very important, as it determines to an extent how our lives are driven. This could be a platform for us to properly work on our goals and be motivated to achieve them.

Fantasizing is good. However, the problem with it is, people get dejected when they find out that time has been wasted on fantasizing because in the reality, nothing has been achieved. This shows that such person does not have a clear aim in life.

You know that fantasizing has crossed the line when you discover that you start substituting it for real-life relationships and friendships. The fact remains that having quality relationships with people counts a lot and there are many benefits inherent in it. Someone who spends much time fantasizing would find it hard to socialize and make healthy relationships as one advances in age.

It also becomes unhealthy when it begins to damage you both psychologically and physically. You could begin to imagine some kind of patterns which might be harmful to your health in the long run. You might see yourself as someone who would not succeed and it could lead you to do something crazy. This occurs when you rethink and ponder on this over and over again.

The negative side of fantasizing is, it has often made people depressed, and they end up being addicted to drugs or alcohol which would make them feel better. If care is not taken, such person could be driven to commit suicide. Fantasizing should be done with a view to relieving stress and pondering on ideas which can make you a better person.

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